Department of Physiology, SMCH, Trichy organised a guest lecture on “idayathirku inniyavai” on October 01 2022 after getting formal approval from Dean.
The programme was arranged in lecture hall-2, third floor, Academic block from 11.oo am to 1.oo pm at SMCH.
Guest speaker
Dr.M. Chenniappan, consultant cardiologist, Ramakrishna nursing home, trichy and also Senior consultant in Apollo speciality Hospitals, Trichy.
Participants of the programme
HODs and Faculties from various pre, paraclinical and clinical departments.
Senior residents and Junior residents
Faculties from outside hospitals.
Paramedical students
Total numbers of participants were 150.
The guest speaker Dr. M. Chenniappan explained in detail about risk factors and prevention of Coronary Heart disease. He advised the audience about risk factors such as life style habits including diet change, sedentary lifestyle and social habits such as smoking and alcohol. He spoke in detail about each risk factor. SITTING IS NEXT SMOKING. He also quoted that each cigarette reduced 11 minutes of our life time and passive smokers are also at high risk. As coronary heart disease is most prevalent among Indians, India stands first in the world.
He also stressed about stress affecting heart health. He insisted to avoid stressful situation and should keep our mind happy.
He gave dietary alteration such as avoid five white food, to eat mutton twice a year, fish twice a week and to avoid dalda and vanaspathi.
He also insisted upon importance of fruits, vegetables and exercise in life style modification.
Secondary causes such as Diabetes mellitus ( slient killer), Hypertension, hypercholestrol all contributing to Myocardial infarction.
Physical exercise, life style modifications were advised for better health,
He also insisted upon Golden hour during Myocardial infarction.