Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University | Samayapuram, Tiruchirappalli - 621 112
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Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan


(Established Under The Tamil Nadu Private Universities Act, 2019)

Tiruchirappalli - 621 112. Tamil Nadu, India.

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Duties and Responsibilities of Chief Superintendents

Duties and Responsibilities of Chief Superintendents

  • The CoE shall appoint the Chief Superintendent(s) and communicate his/her appointment order in sufficient advance of the commencement of examinations. Each Centre of examination shall have one or more Chief Superintendent(s) who shall not be less than the rank of Professor, based on the number of examinees and examination halls.

  • The CoE shall appoint Chief Superintendent for University Examinations for different programmes from the panel of examiners submitted by the Dean of respective Schools/Colleges.

  • The Chief Superintendent (CS) who finds it impossible to attend to the work assigned shall submit the appropriate form to the COE expressing the reasons and the details of alternative arrangement (Professor consenting to serve as Chief Superintendent) sufficiently in advance to the assigned time of duty.

  • The Chief Superintendent(s) shall be responsible for the proper and smooth conduct of examinations at his/her/their School / Centre. He/ She shall take all necessary action before, during and after the examination for the smooth conduct of examination and dispatch of answer-booklets promptly to the office of the COE.

  • The CS shall arrange to prepare a 'Session Report' of candidates present during the examination session at his/her centre for each programme of study and each subject of examination and forward the same to the COE. A record of the usage of Answer-booklet in an examination session shall also be prepared.

  • The CS shall ensure satisfactory seating of candidates taking the examination and resolve any contingency issues that may arise in seating arrangement. He/ She shall ensure that all candidates are treated equally without any discrimination.

  • The CS shall depute the required number of Hall Invigilators, Hall Assistants to each examination hall. One HI shall be allotted for every 25 students or part thereof as far as possible.

  • The CS shall make sure that as far as possible, Hall Invigilators are allotted Halls at random and that no Hall Invigilators shall have prior information of the Hall to which he/ she shall be posted.

  • The Chief Superintendent shall briefly address all the supervisory staff prior to the commencement of examination and remind them of their duties and responsibilities. He/ She shall particularly impress upon them the need to prevent malpractices by scrupulous observation of rules. He/ She shall also explain to the supervisory staff the procedure of reporting when a case of malpractice is detected.

  • The CS shall inform the Hall Invigilators and candidates personally that no additional Answer Booklet will be provided and the candidates have to write their answer only in the Answer Booklet supplied to them in the Examination by the University.

  • The CS shall not leave the Centre of Examinations during the period of examination without the prior permission of the CoE. In case of emergency, he/ she shall make arrangements for the proper conduct of examinations by entrusting the responsibility to an eligible member of faculty, and report the arrangements made to the CoE and obtain approval, before leaving the centres of examination.

  • The CS shall ensure that the question paper packets for each hall is sealed and not tampered with before handing it to the Hall Invigilator prior to the Examination session not earlier than half an hour fixed for the commencement of the examination in that hall.

  • The CS shall arrange to collect back the undistributed question papers from the examination halls at the end of the examination session along with the Answer scripts.

  • The CS shall attempt to resolve any serious misprint, wrong code, mistranslation, omissions or ambiguity etc, noticed or reported to him in the question papers by referring to the original scripts of the respective question paper and shall not, on his own accord or at the instance of any other person, give any clarification, unless it is a clear case of apparent misprint. Serious disparity in the question paper shall be immediately reported to the CoE by phone and the issue resolved according to his instructions.

  • The CS shall see that only candidates with valid Hall tickets issued by the University are allowed to take the examination. If a candidate has lost the Hall ticket, the Chief Superintendent shall arrange to issue adhoc one-session conditional permission after verification of his/ her Identity and credentials in candidates list and getting an undertaking from the candidate.

  • When the subject/paper is wrongly indicated in the hall ticket issued, the Chief Superintendent shall give the correct subject/paper provisionally after an undertaking by the candidate. Such provisional permission is subject to the approval of the University. The student shall be made aware that incase the contention of the candidate is found to be not valid; his/her answer script may not be valued. All such cases of admissions are provisional till they are approved by the University.

  • The CS shall ensure that no candidate is admitted to the examination hall 30 minutes after the commencement of the examinations and no candidate is allowed to leave the examination hall within 30 minutes of the commencement of the examination. The Chief Superintendent shall arrange for the ringing of bells to mark the examination timings.

  • The Chief Superintendent shall take action against an examinee indulging in malpractice or attempting to use unfair means as defined, in the examination hall or within the premises of the examination centre. All malpractices shall be reported and shall be handled as per the guidelines given in the Examination Malpractice Handling guidelines provided.

  • All the Answer-booklets confiscated in malpractice cases during the examination session should be packed separately in one bundle and marked "Malpractice Case" on the label. Such answer-booklets shall NOT be mixed with the regular answer-booklets.

  • The CS shall sign all relevant records such as invigilators attendance sheet, answer booklet usage in the session, Programme & subject-wise attendance summary for a session, remuneration acknowledgement sheet etc., relevant to the examination session.

  • In case of any major law and order problem or in the event of any external factor causing a disturbance in the Examination centre, the Examinations Office should be notified immediately by the CS. It is essential that any incident or condition which could potentially cause disturbance or discomfort to students is reported.

  • The Chief Superintendent shall have the power to expel an examinee from examinations on subsequent examination days; on any of the following grounds:

  • That the examinee created a nuisance or serious disturbance at the examination centre.

  • That the examinee showed a seriously aggressive attitude towards an invigilator or a member of the staff entrusted with the examination work.

  • If necessary, the Superintendent may get security guard assistance. Where a candidate is sent out of the examination hall, the CoE shall be informed immediately.