Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University | Samayapuram, Tiruchirappalli - 621 112
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Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan


(Established Under The Tamil Nadu Private Universities Act, 2019)

Tiruchirappalli - 621 112. Tamil Nadu, India.

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Duties and Responsibilities of the Hall Invigilators

Duties and Responsibilities of the Hall Invigilators

  • The Hall Invigilators are appointed by the Chief Superintendent (CS) to perform invigilation work during the specified sessions of theory examinations conducted by the university.

  • The Hall Invigilator (HI) shall report to the Chief Superintendent (CS) at least 45 minutes before the commencement of the examination on the first day and 30 minutes before on successive days/ sessions of examinations at the Examination Cell. The HI should affix his signature in the duty attendance sheet of the session and wait for the allocation of the examination hall and issue of the answer booklet and question paper packet for the hall.

  • On allocation of the examination hall at the Examination Cell, the HI shall go to the examination hall allotted at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination with relevant examination materials and ensure that no incriminating or any other materials are found in the hall.

  • All the HI must remain in the examination hall for the entire period of examination. HIs are advised to keep constant vigil on the examinees in the hall.

  • The candidates shall be admitted into the examination hall 10 minutes before the commencement of the examination. The HIs shall announce to the candidates to leave the books, papers and other reference materials etc., outside the examination hall.

  • The HI should read out the warning note: "You should follow the instructions printed on the hall ticket and on the answer-booklet. You should search your pockets, desks and tables and handover to the Hall Invigilator any paper/ book/ notes/ manuscripts/ photocopies/ electronic gadgets which you may find there and close surroundings, before receiving the question paper in hand".

  • HI shall ensure that any undesired materials brought by the candidates are left outside the room at his own risk.

  • The HI should warn the candidates about the possession of Mobile phones, digital equipments and other electronic gadgets except a simple wrist watch. The candidates should be advised to submit the same to the HI if they have inadvertently brought to the examination hall.

  • If any student has not brought his/ her hall ticket and Identity Card, the matter shall be brought to the notice of the CS for issuing provisional permission after the candidate gives due undertaking in exceptional circumstances after verifying the identity of the candidate and verification in the Candidate List.

  • The HI shall ensure that candidates are seated before the commencement of the examination. No candidate is allowed to enter the examination hall after the first 30 minutes for whatever reason. In rare situation the HI can allow the candidates to enter into the examination hall during the first half an hour from the commencement of examination with the approval of Chief Superintendent.

  • The HI shall distribute the Answer Booklets ten minutes before the commencement of examination, only to those candidates, who are seated in the examination hall and are not to be placed on the vacant seat.

  • The HI shall distribute the question papers to the candidates seated in the examination hall only when the commencement bell of the examination is given (five minutes before the commencement of examinations).

  • When candidates seek clarification on question paper that cannot be dealt with by the Hall Invigilator(s) in the Examination Hall, the HI shall immediately notify the Chief Superintendent who will endeavor to obtain and convey the necessary information to the student(s). If the matter cannot be resolved by the CS, the Examinations Office must be informed immediately to resolve the issue.

  • The HI shall affix his signature at the appropriate place on the first page of the Answer Booklet only after checking the identity of the candidate with photo on admit card and also ensuring that the Candidate has written the correct Register number, Programme, Subject of examination, date of exam etc in relevant fields of the First page of the Answer Booklet including proper shading of the OMR region with ink. He shall also secure the signature of the candidates in the attendance sheet(s) provided for the hall.

  • The HI shall mark the absentees only after the first 30 minutes of commencement of the examination. A consolidated statement of the number of candidates present, absent and the absentees register numbers shall be prepared.

  • The HI should NOT allow any candidate who arrives later than 30 minutes into the examination hall. No extra time shall be given at the end of the examination to account for the late arrival of those candidates permitted within the first 30 minutes.

  • The HI should NOT allow any candidate to leave examination hall for any purpose within the first half an hour of the commencement of the examination.

  • After half an hour of the commencement of the examination (the third bell), the spare Answer Booklets shall be returned to the Examination Cell along with the Consolidated Attendance Statement for the Hall.

  • The HI shall NOT accept the Answer Booklet of any examinee without ensuring that, it bears his/ her University Register number, other information asked on the title page of the Answer Booklets and that the blank pages in the Answer Booklet are crossed out by the examinee with pen.

  • The HI shall remain alert in the examination hall and shall attend to the requests of the candidates for supply of the graph sheets & other relevant material through the Hall Assistant.

  • All Hall Invigilators are expected to remain in the hall for the entire duration of the examination. In the eventuality that the HI must leave the room in order to clarify a question or other emergency, it shall be made sure that there is at least one HI present in the hall. Such absences must be kept to a minimum.

  • The candidate visiting the toilet should be properly escorted; however frequent visits to the toilet by the candidate should be discouraged. No student will be allowed to go to the toilet in the first half an hour and the last 30 minutes.

  • Whenever the warning bell sounds every half an hour, the HI shall alert the examinees about the time remaining for the examination session.

  • The HI shall ensure that, there is no communication among the candidates in the examination hall. The Hall Invigilator shall not allow the candidate to use unfair means in the examination hall. Smoking, chewing tobacco/ paan etc. is strictly prohibited in the examination hall while the examination is in progress.

  • The invigilator should report to the Chief Superintendent the cases of insolent, indecent, undisciplined and undignified behaviour of candidates.

  • While making rounds of the examination hall, if the HI notices that any candidate is indulging in copying or possessing a manuscript or Answer Booklet other than that of the candidate, any written material on calculator/ geometry box / scale, he/ she shall immediately take in his/ her possession the candidate's Answer Booklet, question paper, and the materials which he / she has used or intended to use for copying and immediately report to the Chief Superintendent. He should not allow the candidate to leave the examination hall till the Chief Superintendent comes to the examination hall and takes over charge.

  • The HI should not tamper with the Answer Booklets issued to the candidates for any reason whatsoever. Malpractices are recorded in the appropriate form along with a statement from the candidate in the presence of the Chief Superintendent. CS should ensure that if a candidate is asked to give a statement in connection with suspected or proven malpractice or use of unfair means but is unwilling to do so, she/he shall not be forced to give the statement. The fact of his/her having refused to make a statement shall be recorded by the CS in the presence of the invigilator(s) on duty, at the time of occurrence or detection of the incident or immediately thereafter.

  • The Hall Invigilator shall arrange the written Answer Booklets returned by the candidates at the end of the examination in proper order for each subject and programme and tally the same with the attendance of the candidates. He/ she shall be responsible for the safe possession of all Answer Booklets until it is handed over to the Answer-booklets receiving staff in the Examination Cell. The receiving staff shall receive the Answer-booklets after due verification and tally with the attendance.

  • The HI shall not leave the Examination Centre premises until he/ she personally hands over the Answer Booklets at the Examination Cell to the designated staff and return the examination relevant materials of the examination session in his possession.

  • In the event of an emergency alert, all candidates should be instructed to stop writing, leave all papers, answer books and bags and silently leave the room. It should be made clear to students that examination conditions will continue until they are told otherwise.

  • When any candidate feels extremely sick/ distressed, the HI may request the Chief Superintendent to make arrangements to escort the sick candidate to the University Hospital with necessary transport arrangement with the help of the supporting staff in the Examination Cell.

  • Answer Booklets Confiscated due to unfair and malpractice of the candidates shall be handed over separately without mixing them with the regular answer booklets.

  • Any dereliction of duty on the part of the HI is recorded and the CS shall initiate necessary action as per the provisions of the examination regulations and report the same to the COE immediately.