Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University | Samayapuram, Tiruchirappalli - 621 112
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Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan


(Established Under The Tamil Nadu Private Universities Act, 2019)

Tiruchirappalli - 621 112. Tamil Nadu, India.

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Student Welfare Cell

Student Welfare Cell

About us

The Students Welfare Cell (SWC) of Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University (DSU) is committed to identify and meet the needs of the students. DSU believes that addressing the needs of the students in a systematic manner would go a long way in helping the students achieve their educational goals. The SWC makes sure that the students are safe and protected, respected and recognized, treated equally and fairly, supported and heard and are happy and healthy. DSU think it likely that the students’ welfare and academics are not mutually exclusive. They go hand in hand so that the students lead a peaceful and harmonious life inside the campus. This balance will promote the mental, social, and academic and growth of the students.


The student’s welfare cell of DSU strives to provide a fair and high standard educational environment to students. The cell understands the needs and requirements of students from diverse backgrounds. Supports the overall development of the students through various club activities. Involves the students in State and National programs. Provides support in health care and safety.

The cell organizes cultural and sports functions and plays a major role in celebration of festivals and days of National importance. It also grooms the talents of the students to achieve professional standards in music, photography, dance and sports. Through the Youth Red Cross wing of the cell social activities are carried out in and around the geographical location of the university

The faculty of the cell help the students to organize themselves through the Student Council. It helps the students to raise their concerns and opinions in a professional way. The grievance redressal wing of the cell helps to resolve the grievances of the students

The cell helps the underprivileged students to get concessions in education fee/hostel fee/mess fee by a fair process of application, evaluation and disbursement.

In a nutshell, SWC fosters the students, promotes discipline and rubs down personal and professional needs of our students.

Office Bearers

Associate Dean
Dr. J. Pathma, School of Agricultural Sciences
Staff Co-ordinators
Dr. Sriranganathan Dr. Narmada
Dr. Divya Sethuraman Dr. Bobby
Dr. Tharmar Dr. Rony paul
Ms. Surya
Student Co-ordinators
Mr. Avishek Ms. Hemanandini
Ms. Jasmine Ms. Mr. Rajkumar
Mr. Gokul Ms. Hemachandrika
Ms. Ezhil Nila Ms. Lavanya
Ms. Dimpul Varma

Students Club and Activities

The CLIQ’S - Photography Club

The club was inaugurated on 16/9/2022 and the inaugural ceremony was presided over by the Vice Chancellor Air marshal (Rtd) Dr.C.K.Ranjan. Registrar Dr. Dhanasekaran Devaraj, felicitated the gathering.

Dr.Bavaharan Rajalingam, Director, Magnum Diagnostics, Trichy inaugurated the Photography Club.

The main objectives of the club are

  • To foster photographic talents among the club members.
  • To encourage club members participation in various photographic / film making competition.
  • To organize photography /filmography workshops involving experts in the field.
  • To held intramural and extramural photography / film making competition.

The Brainiac’s - Science Club

The club was inaugurated on 16/9/2022 and the inaugural ceremony was presided over by the Vice Chancellor Air marshal (Rtd) Dr.C.K.Ranjan. Registrar Dr. Dhanasekaran Devaraj, felicitated the gathering

Dr.Murugan Veerapandian, Scientist and Faculty, CECRI, Karaikudi inaugurated the Science club.

The main objectives of the club are

  • To foster research interest among students.
  • To better understand scientific knowledge thought scientific experiments.
  • To organize lectures, seminars, debates, science festivals and science quizzes.
  • To organize research methodology workshop.
  • To prepare students to submit proposals to various finding agencies

The Organics - Environment Club

The club was inaugurated on 16/9/2022 and the inaugural ceremony was presided over by the Vice Chancellor Air marshal (Rtd) Dr.C.K.Ranjan. Registrar Dr. Dhanasekaran Devaraj, felicitated the gathering

Dr.Bharathi Bavaharan VitreoRetinal surgeon and Environmental enthusiast inaugurated the Environment club.

The main objectives of the club are

  • To address the threats of the current climate crisis and to mitigate the effect by restoring damaged ecosystem.
  • Promote ethos of conservation of water by optimizing the use of water.
  • Motivate students to imbibe habits and life style for minimum waste generation, source separation of waste and disposing the waste to the nearest storage point.
  • To develop skills of observation, experimentation, survey, recording, analysis, reasoning needed for conserving environment through activities.
  • Organize seminars, debates, lectures and popular talks on environmental issues in the school to motivate the students to keep their surrounding green and clean.
  • To launch a “No Plastic” campaign among the students at DSU and surrounding village.

Toastmasters club (14 th October 2022)

Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Samayapuram organized a demo session of the Toastmasters International on 14 th October 2022 at the university premises. The event was organized to enhance the communication and leadership skills in the students. President of Trichy Toastmasters club DTM Owenita Dcruz, VP Education Elanchelian, Secretary Pon Ayyappan and other Distinguished Toastmasters organized the meeting on the theme self-confidence. The Vice-Chancellor of the university Dr.C.K.Ranjan, Registrar, Dr. Dhanasekaran Devaraj, Deans of various schools, Associate deans, club coordinators were present. Students representatives from various schools of the university actively participated in the session.

Tamil Illakkiya Mandram

The club was inaugurated on 15/11/2022 and the inaugural ceremony was presided over by the Vice Chancellor Air marshal (Rtd) Dr.C.K.Ranjan. Registrar Dr. Dhanasekaran Devaraj, felicitated the gathering

Poet Mr.Nandhalala, celebrated debate speaker and book author inaugurated the club and addressed the gathering.

The main objectives of the club are

  • To nurture language skill among our students
  • To bring out their talents in literary events
  • To enhance their public speaking skills
  • To improve their language proficiency for competitive exams

English Literary Club

The club was inaugurated on 15/11/2022 and the inaugural ceremony was presided over by the Vice Chancellor Air marshal (Rtd) Dr.C.K.Ranjan. Registrar Dr. Dhanasekaran Devaraj, felicitated the gathering

Dr. D.E. Benet, Associate Professor of English and Vice Priniciple of National College inaugurated the club and addressed the gathering.

  • To nurture language skill among our students
  • To bring out their talents in literary events
  • To enhance their public speaking skills
  • To improve their language proficiency for competitive exams

Youth Red Cross Club Inauguration

The Youth Red Cross club was inaugurated in Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University on 22/09/2022, between 11AM-1PM.

Felicitation was done by Dr. Thulasi, Dean, Srinivasan Medical College and Hospital; Dr. Dhanasekaran Devaraj, M.E., Ph.D the registrar of the university.

The Chief Guest address was delivered by Mr. Jawahar Hasan, Hon. Secretary, Indian Red Cross Society, Trichy District branch. He insisted upon the importance of selfless participation of the youth for humanity; the ultimate aim of the Red Cross Society.


Dr. Sriranganathan
Ms. Surya: 8056433211
Email: swcell@dsuniversity.ac.in
