Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, School of Engineering and Technology, Trichy is organized “HACKD-22” an idea hackathon programme in Association with DLithe Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore with the theme “Think, Hack & Win the Glory”. Event finals coordinated on 22nd and 23rd November 2022. The motto of HACKD-22 is to ideate young minds for a better future. This programme allowed the SET students to think and expose their unique problem-solving talent. For the various problem statements, nearly 36 teams submitted their idea proposals, out of which 14 teams were shortlisted after the scrutinizing process to participate in the final event of 36 hours Hackathon. The winning team named Tomorrow is awarded a cash prize of Rs.6000 with a medal and the runner team named Tech Pirates received a cash prize of Rs.4000 with a medal. The remaining teams received the participation certificate.
“Think, Hack &Win the Glory”