The National Digital Library of India (NDLI) and the Readers Club collaborated to host their inaugural event on January 7, 2025, in the library, featuring a debate competition under the auspices of student affairs. The theme of the debate was "Real Library vs. Virtual Library." The event was judged by Dr. Thamilarasi, a professor in the Department of English at the School of Engineering and Technology, alongside our esteemed guest, Dr. A. Thulasi, the Dean of the School of Medicine.
This event provided students with an opportunity to showcase their oratory skills, making it a memorable experience for all. Following the discussion, the judges concluded the event by emphasizing that both types of libraries are essential, as highlighted during the debate.
Over seventy-five students enthusiastically participated as audience members and shared positive feedback about the event. All participants were awarded certificates, while the top performers received a self-development book as a token of appreciation for their outstanding contributions.
The event concluded successfully, thanks to the dedicated efforts of all the club coordinators.